1.Which are the areas, Grace Teleinfra provides leased line services?
Grace Teleinfra Pvt Ltd. is Pune based ISP. Grace serve ILL all across Pune, PCMC, and all over Maharashtra.
2. What is Backhaul of Grace for ILL?
We use multiple TELCOs at backhaul for redundancy purpose.
3. Which Licensed belongs to Grace Teleinfra Pvt Ltd?
Grace is CLASS B Internet service provider, IP1, PMWANI by DOT of India.
4. Does Grace Provides P2P? And where?
Yes. All Over Maharashtra.
5. What is Service Level Agreement (SLA) Grace provide for Internet Lease Line?
1. In Urban area 99.5% Uptime SLA
2. In Rural area 98.5% Uptime SLA
6. Does Grace support team work by 24*7?
Yes. Noc support is available for 24X7. Also available on whatsapp.
7. How is Grace’s service and support?
Grace has 24X7 NOC support. Prompt responsive field engineers team available in all serving areas. Escalation matrix of 4 levels.
8. What is service TAT?
Fiber restoration TAT is 4 Hrs.
9. What is your installation time?
- In Urban areas, we deliver in maximum 10 working days. In special cases, we deliver within 48 to 72 hrs. If required.
- In Rural areas, we deliver within 25 days working days depend on area and fiber laying required.
10. Do grace provide on RF last mile?
Yes. If required.